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One of the reasons people love Minecraft is because it's so unique. Every world is different, and you'll never have the same base, the same pets, or the same stuff that you did in the last world. But still, it can get old. Luckily, there have always been mods to spruce things up when you're ready for something new. From a small mini-map in the corner of the screen to new bosses, and even new dimensions, there's always something new to add to the game! While this modded experience is tons of fun to change up the gameplay, not everyone knows how to install mods, and not all computers are powerful enough to run them without lagging. And while it's quite easy once you get the hang of it, learning how to download mods for the first time can be a bit of a hassle. Enter plugins. Plugins are basically mods, except they only run on the server! That's why all of the mods are server-side, so you don't have to do anything! Of course, some client-side mods are allowed, such as OptiFine, but the server handles everything else so that you don't have to!  However, this comes with a drawback: There isn't a mod installed to communicate with the server and show you all the changes. It would be annoying if you had no idea what to do, so that's what this page is for! There are a variety of changes made, both big and small, so this page can't cover every little detail. But it will have everything you need to know, plus links to the original documentation should you want more info. So, without further ado, here is the list of all major changes!   (Hint: Many of these changes come from one plugin called CraftBook! The links for many of the changes bring you to the original documentation so that you can see the full details if you have any other questions! You're also welcome to browse around and suggest any modules that are not enabled, should you want a specific feature that I may have originally overlooked.)   I'll start with the big ones here, and afterward, they won't be in any particular order. ------ Residences: This plugin allows you to simply claim a plot of land for in-game money. You can fully customize who has access to what, and it's super easy! Use a Golden Shovel to select your plot, and type /res create to create a residence.  If you don't have enough money, you can sell your materials to the server using /sell. WARNING: it WILL sell what is in your hand, unless you use the GUI command. But the basic /sell command will sell the item in your hand so BE CAREFUL! You can easily expand your residence by looking in the direction you want to expand and typing /res expand To modify permissions in your residence, type /res set and it should pull up a GUI where you can customize all of the default permissions.  To add another player to the residence, do /res padd If you want to allow (or further restrict) a specific player, use /res pset  and type your command according to the prompt. Sleep Voting: When playing with many people online at once, sleeping can be challenging. While not everyone wants to wait through the night, not everyone can be bothered to climb back up from the caves they're mining in to get in bed just because of a noob whining about dying all the time (CosmicReality, I'm looking at you!) Now, the night will be skipped after more than 1/3 of the players online are asleep! (This may be adjusted in the future depending on how many people regularly sleep.) Gravestones: While Gamerule keepInventory remains off, now you don't have to worry about items despawning! As long as a Grave Token is in your inventory when you die, a grave will spawn where you died, and will hold your items for 3 hours! For the first 5 minutes of those 3 hours, only you can recover items from your grave. After that, anyone can loot it, but they'll be faced with your angry zombie (and then you'll have to kill their zombie once your's kills them. Have fun in this infinite loop! ) When you go and break your grave to recover your own items, you will be safe. Custom Crafting: There are now some custom crafting recipes!  Saddles can be crafted in an advanced crafting table. I have made more info on this is available in the game. In terms of Custom Crafting, I want you to try to figure some stuff out without a clear-cut tutorial. For now, I will give you this: XP STORAGE! You can now store your experience points in the form of XP bottles! This is particularly useful for those who may be going on a dangerous trip and want to keep their XP safe.  Shift-right-click on an Emerald Block to convert 7 experience points into one Bottle o' Enchanting. When thrown, one Bottle o' Enchanting will give you 3-11 experience points. This is a Vanilla mechanic and cannot be changed. This means that it's a bit of a gamble, as it's a set price to get a bottle, but you may get more or less XP than you originally started with. Once you have obtained the Bottle(s) o' Enchanting, safely store them in your chest or other containers, and have fun adventuring! <video autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted="" controls="controls" width="848"><source src="https://i.gyazo.com/1fabee8731e681a88f7fb17d94b5c50a.mp4" type="video/mp4" /></video>   Treecapitator: Treecapitator is a popular mod that is quite simple: chop down the bottom of a tree with an ax, and all the wood above it will break as well! This is a variation of it in plugin form. Not only does this feature make more sense realistically, but it makes harvesting wood a heck of a lot easier! Be careful, though! The ax will take as many durability points as blocks that it breaks, plus some! ELEVATORS!!! ELEVATORS! And you don't need to grind for hours to make a Redstone elevator! (But extra points if you do!) The elevators are controlled with signs. To create a sign, use the following format: ( - required | [(private)] - optional | [Elevator] - required) The sign has to be placed 2 blocks above the elevator floor. Every floor has to have the same elevator material. (It can be whatever you want as long as it is consistent!) Item PIPES!! Many people who've ever played a modpack probably know of the mod EnderIO. It's a mod that has many sorts of mechanisms and also happens to have pipes. You can use them to move liquids, items, and energy. Now, we don't have the full mod, but there is a module for PIPES within CraftBook! There's a bit too much for me to say right here, so please click the link here!  [FROM DOCS] Pipes consist of numerous parts: An item source. This can be an inventory, a supported CraftBook mechanic, or another supporting plugin or mod. A sticky piston pointed at the source. When the power state of the sticky piston goes from low to high, items are sucked out of the source into the pipe. A sign to be used as an filter. Filters can be placed on either the source (sticky piston) or the destination (piston), but we recommend exclusion filters ("anything BUT these items") be placed on the source to avoid a "loop." As the input isn’t filtered, it takes the first stack. As there’s nowhere to put it, it just puts it back into the input chest A tube of blocks to act as the pipe. (glass.) A piston pointed at the destination. An item destination. This can be an inventory, a supported CraftBook mechanic, or another supporting plugin or mod. TIP: If you have too many items that you want to be filtered, but not enough space in the sign, consider using this in conjunction with the sign copier module, which is capable of storing extra data on the sign. Right-click the sign with an ink sac. /sign edit ",,,,," Punch the sign. Cauldron Recipes! You can cook stuff in a cauldron now! However, instead of traditional "realistic" food recipes, like boiling something to cook, it's more focused on washing (at least how I configured it, that is)! Heat up a cauldron (put it above a flame — netherrack recommended for flame-fuel) So far, I've only implemented wool bleaching. Throw any colored wool into a lit cauldron with water, and add some white dye. Stir it with a "spoon" (Shovel/spade of any type), and you have fresh white wool, ready to be re-dyed to any color you choose! <video controls="controls" width="550" height="275"> <source src="https://i.gyazo.com/73056f62fe172ca2e14d48175765963b.mp4" type="video/mp4" /></video> ------- Other Changes: Falling Ladders This may not seem big at first, but it's actually quite helpful. Ladders now have gravity, similar to sand or gravel. This means that if you are stuck up high above a hole, or on a tower, you can throw a ladder down from the top, and it will fall to the bottom (it will break if there is no wall to attach itself to). You can use this to build a safe way down from somewhere as if you were using sand to make a tower from above.  <video controls="controls" width="436" height="218"> <source src="https://i.gyazo.com/5d01a6a9106d23e2e071113fc2330058.mp4" type="video/mp4" /></video> Ammeter This is also a pretty small one. This small feature allows avid redstoners like me to check the strength of a Redstone lane instead of counting blocks one by one. Just power the Redstone with a lever, and right-click the powered Redstone with a piece of coal. Voila! A status bar will show up telling you exactly how much power the specific piece of Redstone has, so you know how many items to put in the chest, or what position the item frame will go in. If you didn't understand any of what this just said, you probably won't need to use this feature! Lightstone The Lightstone mechanic is similar to the Ammeter in that you right-click a block to get data about it. Right-click the surface of any block with a piece of Glowstone Dust to get the light level of the block. Useful for building mob grinders, etc! Bridge Literally a retractable bridge! You can set up a drawbridge with using a sign that says [Bridge] on the part where you want to control it, and a sign that says [Bridge End] on the other side. Only the first one is right-clickable, so people can't break your bridge from the other side! You must stock your bridge with materials, or else it won't be able to re-build itself. You can toggle the bridge with Redstone should you want to activate it remotely! Better AI Just some AI improvements to mobs. Includes sneaking causing you to actually be sneaky. Bows can now do critical hits. Aggressive mobs can now target passive mobs, such as animals. Better Leads Improvements to Lead mechanics, and some new features! Inspired by Michonne from TWD, if you hold a zombie (or another hostile mob) on a leash, other zombies won't attack you! Also, you can now leash certain hostile mobs (No, you can't leash the Ender Dragon!) and they won't target you and hurt you. Unfortunately, due to a bug in the game, the above two features only work on mobs that are not currently targeting you. If you leash a zombie that is already trying to attack you, it won't stop until it finds another target. You can now make communal hitching posts. When you break the hitch, instead of dropping normally, only the leads attached will break off. The hitch will stay. In addition to this, when you remove leads from a hitch, only mobs/animals hitched by the player breaking it will be released. This way, people can't take your animals by accident! Bookcase When right-clicking on a bookcase, you will now read an entry of a book in it. (Note: you cannot put written books on the bookshelf; the excerpts are random quotes from a long text file) Pay signs Self-explanatory — click the link to learn more Redstone Jack o' Lanterns Now you can toggle jack-o-lanterns with Redstone! Fun for a pumpkin-themed build (hmm I can't imagine why anyone would ever want or need this in October........) Cooking Pots Cooking pots consist of three parts: A block to burn, with a [Cook] sign on it. (Netherrack recommended) A fire on the block with the sign on it. A chest, to cook inside. Fuel is not required in addition to the fire, but should you choose to add fuel, your food will cook faster! Custom Death Messages This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you want more details, then I guess you should go die in stupid ways! (Or watch the chat for other people's stupidity-turned-comedy!) Redstone Jukeboxes! Redstone toggles Jukeboxes! Dispenser Recipes CANNONS! Cannon recipe shoots out a lit block of TNT, with considerable force! Fan and Vacuum! The fan pushes away entities within 5 blocks in front of the dispenser. The vacuum is the reverse of the fan, pulling in entities instead of pushing them out. Both can be quite useful for traps!  The fan uses a regular piston, while the vacuum uses a sticky piston. Fire Arrows Not quite sure why one would use this, as you could just put lava in front of the dispenser, and it would cost fewer materials, but it's here as an option if you want to use it!  Snow Shooter Again, kind of dumb as you can just put snowballs into the dispenser (I think), but it is here as an option should you choose to use it! XP Shooter This one is quite useful, as you can convert unused Redstone into XP! Put four Redstone around a bottle and you're set to go! This isn't like putting items in a dispenser as if it's a custom crafting table. This is crafting special things to come out of the dispenser, like TNT CANNONS IN ONE BLOCK! Light Switch Put a sign on the wall, with either [I] or [|] on the second line, and either a Torch or a Redstone Torch above it. Right-clicking this sign will now toggle up to 20 of the specified torch (the type that you put above the sign) within a 10-block radius of the sign. Minecart Elevator Using [CartLift Up] on the second line of a sign allows minecarts to teleport toward any other [CartLift Down] or [CartLift] sign that is above. Using [CartLift Down] on the second line of on a sign allows minecarts to teleport downwards toward any other [CartLift Up] or [CartLift] sign. Sign with [CartLift] on the second line is a target one and minecarts won’t be teleported anywhere from this sign. Using it allows minecarts to be teleported there from a [CartLift Up] placed beneath or [CartLift Down] placed above it. Minecart Elevators allow you to teleport minecarts between floors easily (vertically). Signs must be created in the same location but above or below to link floors to each other. To create a Minecart elevator, place a sign above or below a nether bricks block to mark it as an elevator. The sign This one is somewhat confusing to me, so there were some copy and pasting of text from the original documentation. You need the [CartLift Up] sign to be below, and the [CartLift Down] sign to be above. As I've said before, I didn't design this plugin, but I think the Minecart Elevator is cool, so I turned it on just in case anyone wants to use it. Painting Switcher Right-click on the painting and use the scroll wheel to scroll through paintings. Once you find one you like, right-click again to select it. Head Drops! When killing a player or animal, there is a small chance of them dropping their heads. YOU MAY NOT KILL OTHER PLAYERS FOR HEADS WITHOUT PERMISSION! Please play nice! Head drops are disabled for mobs, to keep it authentic. The only way to get mob heads is by getting them killed by a Charged Creeper, just like in Vanilla Minecraft. If you do pick up a Mob Head, you can keep it as long as you tell me so I can fix it! /mail send [message]. Have fun! Sponge Mechanic Changes Sponges are now circular radius, to make it more realistic. Sign Copier Right-click a sign with an Ink Sack to copy it. You can then left-click a sign with it to paste the copied sign. You can edit the sign with /sign edit [line (1-4)] [text], should you want to. For more than one word, be sure to put the content in quotes! If not, it will say you put too much. Also, make sure you know it will fit in a sign. Too much will get cut off. And this allows you to use color codes to make colored signs! (Though I may have enabled colored signs by default... I honestly can't remember through all the work I've done on this server!) As I am not the one who coded most of these plugins, not all errors are my fault. Of course, not all errors are on the plugin side, either. Should you see anything like "You do not have permission to use this command," or "an internal error occurred," I probably forgot a comma somewhere important, so please do reach out to me here or type /support in-game so I can try to solve your issue! But, should a reported issue be the fault of the plugin, I will report it to the respective plugin devs, but it may be out of my control.  And that's it for now! I hope you enjoy these changes, and if you'd like any other changes on the CraftBook docs (or any other plugin), feel free to let me know! Have fun!  -emkirsh 
over 3 years ago
So, just because you don't have to download mods doesn't mean you can't! I always play SMP with a few client-side mods, but that's just me. Below are two lists: mods you can use on AtomicMC, and mods you can't. If there's a mod you want, and it's on neither list, join the Discord server and ping me; I'll happily answer any questions! Without further ado, here is the list! Allowed Modifications Not only are these allowed, but they are encouraged! Better PvP Xaero’s Minimap and Xaero’s World Map (or any other minimap mod, I just like Xaero’s) Damage Indicators* / Neat TabbyChat Badlion Client OptiFine (if you’re using this in conjunction with other mods, be sure to also use either OptiFabric or OptiForge [less stable than OptiFabric imo] depending on your preferred modloader) Sodium (OptiFine alternative with better performance but nothing else; no shaders, no zoom, no capes, etc) Should you choose to use this, or any other OptiFine alternatives, I highly recommend checking the OptiFabric page for recommended alternatives to the zoom feature, etc! FlightHUD (an elytra hud that just is cool) Waila/Hwyla / Harvestability Add-on Potion Huds** Tool stats** Durability indicators/warnings** *You’re more than welcome to use Damage Indicators, but it’s unnecessary because the server automatically displays them in the form of a bossbar. **Again, you’re welcome to use these, but these specific mods are all included in BetterPvP, so I’d recommend just using that. Remember to use the correct Minecraft version and modloader for any mods. Forge mods don’t work with Fabric mods. So, pick based on your highest mod priority. If you’re using Fabric, remember to get FabricAPI, and I also recommend the fabric mod list so you can see what you have installed. Blacklisted Modifications Using any of these will result in a ban. Hacked clients (this includes certain "utility mods" such as Impact, and any of the below mods) X-ray Killaura Aimbot BowAimbot Timer Fly Jesus/Dolphin NoFall AntiKnockback Autoclicker Just because it isn’t listed does not mean you can do it! This is a small list, and just about anything found in Wurst, Wolfram, Impact, or any other hacked client is bannable. Unsure? Just ask! Thanks for going over this before installing any mods. -emkirsh
over 3 years ago